Friday, July 8, 2016

The Insidiousness of ALS

You may or may not know about the ongoing interview series I have been doing with my friend Johnny Aspra's Epicurean Cowboy Foundation.

In late 2014 Johnny was diagnosed with ALS aka Lou Gehrig's disease.

He approached me in 2015 about wanting to make a difference and raise awareness about ALS.

Johnny said he was "shocked," how few people knew what ALS was when he told them about his diagnosis.

Folks may have heard about it (Ice Bucket Challenge), but didn't understand what it was (It is not like getting cold water dumped on your head).

Johnny and I came up with the idea to do an ongoing series of conversations where Johnny would take us all along as his journey. His mission is two fold:

1 - Raise awareness about ALS and bring to light the insidiousness of the disease


2 - Inspire people to live with dignity in the face of a terminal illness.

I am sharing the most recent episode below. I have to warn you, it is a hard one to sit through as Johnny tells us about an incident that happened on the Fourth of July that left him feeling defenseless, helpless, and let down by humanity.

My hope is that whoever this video reaches, takes a moment, (after you have wiped the tears from your eyes), to ask themselves, "How can I do better as a human? How can I love a little more today?"

My belief is that if we all worked just a little bit harder at being better versions of ourselves and committed to choosing love first - that's when all of our worlds change.

Carpe Diem,



If you would like to donate to Johnny's GoFundMe page, you can do so at this link: 


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