Tragically, not enough of us make those dreams come true.
The reasons "why" are many: "I don't know how," "it's impossible," "it's to hard," "I don't have enough money," "if only," etc... Do any of these sound familiar?
Over the course of its' four year life, this blog has been about a lot... dreams, goals, life, death, love, and the ongoing journey of living and experiencing life to the best of my ability.
I try to be open and share with you all in hopes that my candor may inspire you in how you choose to live your life. In no way am I suggesting your life should look exactly like mine, what I am saying is that perhaps you can gain inspiration for your journey as you share in mine.
Recently my journey brought me to a day that I had dreamed of for years. My first ever Jesse Brisendine live event!
Up to this point I had spoken to numerous audiences and organizations, been a featured presenter at corporate training's, and gifted with the opportunity to educate and inspire students at several High Schools and Universities. This all was, and continues to be amazing (something I want to keep building on), however I had never hosted my own event.
Something that was uniquely mine in everything from the content, to the music, to the location, and most importantly the jokes (haha) all of it was "Jesse."
This had been a dream because I want to help people, a lot of people, live extraordinary and fulfilling lives. To be able to help as many as I want to, I need a platform that allows me to interact and work with multiple people at once. Enter Unlock Your Greatness - a program conceived by the idea to bring people together from all over the world to learn, to grow, to let go, and to move forward.
Last week (I cannot believe it has been a week already) I hosted the first ever Unlock Your Greatness (UYG) live event in Santa Barbara, California.
It was attended by folks from seven different countries and 15 different States. If I had only one word to describe it, I would say WOW.
WOW... because I was proud of what I created, WOW because of the moments I shared with the participants, WOW because of the breakthroughs people had, WOW because of the feeling I had watching the attendees Unlock a Greatness that had always been inside of them, and was waiting to be let out.
I titled this post "Making Dreams Come True," because dreams can come true, but not because you wish them to, dreams come true because you make them come true.
Any great dream deserves a great amount of work and effort that goes into making that dream a reality. Most dreams will require 100's, maybe even 1000's of hours or more of hard work, commitment, sacrifice, and the proverbial "blood, sweat, and tears," to make them come true.
You know what? I can happily tell you that it is and will be worth it when you realize your dream.
Unlock Your Greatness was the start of a new beginning for me; the next chapter in my professional career and life purpose. UYG also was the culmination of 1000's of hours of hard work, study, sacrifice, decision making, life lesson learning, forward step taking, choice making, and life living. All of it came together for two magical days in Santa Barbara, California.
Below are some photos from the first event. I hope to see you at a future Unlock Your Greatness, I am excited to share it with you. :)
Lastly, to all the people who made the journey to attend - thank you. You all believed in me at the beginning. I will always be grateful for that.
Carpe Diem,
P.S. What is one dream you have that you are committed to making come true?