Saturday, April 29, 2017

Three Ways to Get Unstuck and Breakthrough to the Next Level

One of the biggest mistakes we can ever make in our lives is making the mistake of believing we are not in control of the thoughts we think and feelings we feel.

Sometimes, in life, we may find ourselves in a place where we feel stuck, maybe even like we have lost control. It is in these "stuck states" where we can get lost on our path and lose focus on connection with purpose and passion.

Anyone who has ever been mentally/emotionally stuck knows just how debilitating it can be.

Recently I hosted a free training where I shared Three Ways to Get Unstuck and Breakthrough to the Next Level in Life.

I am sharing it here, with you, in hopes that it can be of value to you and help you accelerate your journey of getting from where you are to where you want to be.

Be sure to watch/listen "actively," as I suggest in the video.  I promise you that you will get more out of it.  You can use the comments below to do so or comment within the Facebook thread.

Carpe Diem,


Thursday, April 20, 2017

Three Limiting Beliefs That Are Gigantic Dream Killers

Hey there!

I hope this blog finds you living an amazing day today.

Every week I host a free training on my Facebook page.  I have been calling these trainings "Weekly Wisdom," and they are available to anyone who wants to tune in.

We have been having some awesome discussions during them too.  I would love for you to join a future one!

During our recent Weekly Wisdom I spoke about Three Limiting Beliefs that are Gigantic Dream Destroyers.

The limiting beliefs I highlighted in this talk, which I encourage you to watch in the video below, are:

1 - "I'm to young/old to ______ "

2 - "I can't afford ________ "

3 - "This is as good as it gets."

Often what people will experience in some of their most restrictive and limiting behaviors are a combination of the above limiting beliefs.

If you want to change something in your life, you must change the belief systems that are governing your behavior.

After watching this video, you realize now is the time for you to eliminate the limiting beliefs that are dictating your life, click here so you and I can talk.

Is there a specific limiting belief that you know is holding you back in life? Let me know what it is in the comments.

Looking forward to you living an absolutely amazing life - one that is experienced with an abundance of realized potential and possibility.

Carpe Diem,



Sunday, April 16, 2017

Why People Refuse to Change and The Secret Payoff They Get

It is Easter morning as I sit here and type this to you!  I am getting ready to enjoy some yummy Easter snacks, but wanted to be sure to share this message.

I, and likely you, have heard it many times before: "I wish I, he, she, they, could/would change."

Yet they don't, why?

There are many reasons why someone doesn't change and in this video below I have included a few of the big ones.

Let me know what your key take aways are from it.

Any questions before to leave them in the comments.


If you want to take advantage of the special opportunity I mention in the video, you can do that by click here.

Carpe Diem,


Sunday, April 9, 2017

Three Big Reasons Why We Choose Pain

Hey there!

Hope this blog finds you smiling at life right now.  If you aren't smiling, I hope this blog can be a tool to help you re-discover your smile.

Every week on my Facebook page I host a "Weekly Wisdom," talk where I teach a few tools/concepts/strategies to help you live your happiest, healthiest, and most fulfilling life possible.

In these talks I try to pick topics that I feel will serve and help you make profound changes and advancements in your life.

The video below is on "Three of the Big Reasons Why We Choose Pain."

Not to worry, I explain what I mean by pain early on - and if that statement "Why We Choose Pain," got you a little riled up, please watch this talk with an open mind - you will get much more out of it that way. :)

Any questions at all - please leave them in the comments below.

If this talk resonates with you and you would like some help on your journey forward, you can use this link.

Carpe Diem,


Sunday, April 2, 2017

What this picture means


I'd like to tell you a story and see if I can help you, just as someone once helped me.

Before we get to story time, I wanted to give you some context first. This picture was taken just a couple weeks ago:

I took it at one of my favorite Sunrise viewing spots in Santa Barbara, California. 

I had just finished up a morning walk where most of the time was spent in deep thought of how I could be more effective at empowering you with the tools you need to build the life you want. 

I wake up, do my warm up exercises to help make my back happy, take a walk, and recite numerous things I am grateful for while noticing the beauty of the world around me. Then I begin asking myself questions: "how can I more effectively reach them." "What is the difference that will make the difference for them?" "How can I empower them with more certainty so they will listen to their heart instead of talking themselves out of something with their fear voice?"

I love this morning routine - I always feel happy, grateful, and inspired after.

There was something a little different about this particular morning walk which is why I am writing you today.

As I was enjoying the sunrise, I found myself reflecting back to a turning point in my life that happened nearly 15 years ago.

I was shy, self conscious, insecure, staring at myself in the mirror having just finished my then morning routine of telling myself: "how awful I was," "what a loser I was," "how worthless I was," "I didn't have anything worth contributing," etc...  There were moments during those days where I hated virtually every fiber of who I was.

To make matters worse, I had just received a letter from UCSB (my college I was attending) saying if I didn't get my grades up I would be kicked out of school.  Not only that I was on probation from the dorms for alcohol abuse (about to be kicked out of there too).

On that fateful day there was a spark that I had never noticed, (or maybe had never listened to before), that told me I could be more.

I had no idea how, but I knew one thing with absolute certainty, I did not want to keep living feeling the way I had any longer.

 For the first time I felt inspired to want to be happy, feel confident, and to matter. It was an important time in my life, a turning point.

Maybe you've had one of those? Or maybe you're in a transition right now, or ready for one.

My transition began with: figuring out what makes me happy, discovering how I could create self confidence, caring more deeply for those around me, and giving back to those who would listen.

People noticed and asked what had changed. I would tell them about what I was learning from all the books I was reading and training's I was attending.

My heart would break when I would meet people who were allowing fear to be in the driver's seat of their life.  I wish I could count on one hand (unfortunately the actual number is much larger) how many beautiful, potential filled people I have met, who were settling for less than their desired life because their minds were plagued with fear, self doubt, and uncertainty.

I believed if these people only had the right tools then they too would be able to eliminate their fears, get rid of the bad B.S. (belief systems), ditch stress, worry, and anxiety so that they could build a life filled with financial abundance, happiness, joy, and freedom to live life the way they want to live it.

I knew I wanted to make my life about making a difference in the lives of others by empowering them with the essential tools and techniques for building an extraordinary life. 

I never imagined I'd have the freedom to do some of the things I get to do. I call one of the most beautiful places in the world my home.  I get to set my own schedule, travel when I want to, test out new ideas, and have the opportunity to contribute meaningfully to the lives of others.

And I never imagined that yours' and mine paths would cross (I am very thankful you read my blogs). :) 

I never foresaw FacebookYouTubeInstagram or blogs. I just wanted to inspire others as I had been inspired. I wanted to help others achieve the life they truly desired instead of settling for the life they were living.

I'm sharing this with you because I know you see all my posts, videos, and courses I offer. 

But behind it all, there's this excited big kid who still feels lucky to have had a second chance at life to do life the way I was meant to vs the way fear was dictating to me. Today, as I share this with you, , I remain in awe of the tremendous freedoms and impact I have been blessed with.

Lastly, this blog wouldn't be complete if I didn't check in on you to make sure you are living the life you desire? 

If not, maybe you never realized that you could? 

It's not unrealistic. No one knew me when I began, so it's not like I was special or had some secret advantages like money or a huge network of friends (I grew up fairly poor and my shyness/insecurity/lack of self confidence put a big stop on friendship forming).

I think my only advantages I had were:

1.) I knew I wanted more.


2.) I knew that if someone else could accomplish what I wanted, then the potential was there for me too.

If you want to have some of the mental and emotional breakthroughs like I did, so that you can live the life you know you were born for, then, you probably need to do what I did. 

Here's the abbreviated list:
    - I read approximately 200 books on mindset, emotional mastery, psychology, business, biology, successful people, and human behavior.
    - I participated in several 1000 hours worth of various trainings... both online and live (in person).
    - I hired several different mentors/coaches
    - I tried, I failed, I tried other stuff out, failed, learned, grew, tried, made progress, etc...
    - Most importantly I got my thoughts and emotions to sink up so that I could get what I wanted to get out of the above.
    - I believed I could.

If you and I never connect beyond this email, I wanted you to at least have some rough guidelines of what I did, and continue to do.

If you would like to accelerate your results and cut out a lot of the frustration and uncertainty then I have an eight week coaching program that is designed to help you do exactly that.

If you are struggling to master your mindset and feel like you do not have the emotional control you want, I would love to speak with you!

Let's set up a complimentary strategy session and discuss exactly how this eight week coaching program will help you breakthrough the wall(s) of limiting thoughts and master your emotions so that you can build the high quality of life you were meant to live.

To set this up simply click here, fill out the short form, and pick a time that works best for you to meet.
I sincerely hope you take me up on this eight week program as I would love to have some more friends to join me in the next sunrise selfie. 

Carpe Diem,


Click here to fill out the form