With this being the one year anniversary of my friend Paul's passing, I wanted to say a few words. I will keep the text brief since I said pretty much everything I want to say in the video below.
I want to be clear: I choose to be happy, I work hard at it every day, and I also have my own personal struggles; just like you. I am human and when I feel, I feel very very deeply. Happiness, Joy, Love, Laughter, Sadness, Frustration, etc... I feel all of it and I feel it all at equally deep levels when emotions are appropriate.
This last year has been a hard one. I lost the two people I was closest to in my day to day life. One of them, Paul, died a year ago today.
One thing I forgot to mention in the video is that Paul, in this last year, has taught me a great deal of patience. It is hard to lose someone you love, it is even harder when that person is someone the whole world wants to talk about. This last year there have been many times I have gotten pissed off and angry to the point where I have wanted to say or do something that is out of character for me.
Each time I feel my blood start to boil I take a breath and hear Paul's voice, "Jesse this is not you."
There have been times this last year I have not wanted to be me, but Paul has always reminded me to be me because me being me is what our friendship has been built on. Me being me and him being Paul, not the actor, not the movie star, just Paul.
My personal life is very similar to all of yours. It is one that is filled with all that comes with living a complete life: Love, Loss, Happiness, Sadness, Laughter, Hurt, Joy, etc...
My life is far from perfect and I do not want to mislead any of you in thinking that it is, nor would I want it that way. The "hard stuff" of life does not happen to make our lives become hard. The hard stuff happens to give us an opportunity to grow, to learn, and to make our lives better.
I hope you find value in this video as the message is one I believe in with all my heart. If you do find value please share it with someone. Here is a link to share: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xBrn9GtJF0U&list=UUJnymgVGKg2WQSv-wXotRdA
I have also included links to donate to ROWW. The following link goes to the fundraising page that I started for Paul's birthday. It is my goal to raise $1,000,000 for Reach Out World Wide. I believe that we can reach that goal. Please donate by clicking here or using the link below.
Carpe Diem,
Here is the link to donate to ROWW: https://donate.roww.org/fundraise?fcid=339063
Here is the link to the Sunrise/Sunset video from Paul's birthday: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RbAek5oTPdc&list=UUJnymgVGKg2WQSv-wXotRdA
Here is a link to the Facebook photo album on the 1 Year 1000 Challenge page that has all your photos from those of you who sent in ROWW donation confirmation pics: https://www.facebook.com/media/set/?set=a.967604023266338.1073741835.187115434648538&type=3