Saturday, June 23, 2012

Anthing IS Possible

Here is another V-Blog for you.  I hope you enjoy it!  As always feedback is greatly appreciated.

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE be sure to participate in and post pictures for Trash Clean Up Day tomorrow.  Please post photos to the 1 Year 1000 Challenge Page

Carpe Diem,



  1. Jesse,

    Great v-blog! Re-inforcing zero limits is important and I appreciate hearing it. I have the shirt, and haven't been able to wear it yet because it didn't fit me when I first got it. I bought it with the belief that I will fit it and soon. Zero Limits is what I am learning for my fitness goals and life in general. Thanks for the great message, keep up the good work and I will be out there tomorrow cleaning up my part of the world. Carpe' Diem! Lisa

    1. When I watched your V-log, I could sense in your tone of voice that you were addressing someone's recent inquiry about your Zero Limits boot camp (it appeared in your Twitter feed). You stated your point very well and with a lot of strength. Maybe this person didn't fully get the meaning behind it but I know the true meaning behind "Zero Limits". I'm sure that I'm not alone. So, thank you again for clarifying it and please keep on being your sexy self for your women members!

  2. Thanks Jesse!! I appreciate the time you spent to even record that for us so that you could explain "zero limits" more effectively! Thank you for that! day I will send u an email with all my thoughts, questions, & ideas...til then ...CARPE DIEM!!! <3

  3. Today I saw this, "Nothing is impossible,the word itself says I'm possible" ;)

  4. Thanks for all the great comments everyone :)

  5. Please continue to do V-logs. Its a great thing to be able to hear your voice and listen to what you have to say. You're such a joy to watch...ok, I'll try to stop drooling!
