Thursday, December 31, 2015

Growing Patience and Making Decisions


Without fail, two areas I consistently see people struggle in are: Decision Making and Exercising Patience.

At first I was hesitant to record a video addressing decision making and patience at the same time because sometimes excuses about being "patient" are used to justify indecision.

The reality is indecision is almost never due to being patient and collecting more info, indecision is most often born from a fear to act.

A lack of patience can be costly - think of how much time you lose to stress and anxiety... getting worked up over things you cannot control, like traffic, simply because you do not have the patience to negotiate the situation.

If you exercised patience, perhaps your experience would be a little different.

I hope you find value in this short video.  In it I share some strategies I use for exercising a greater level of patience and making decisions.

Looking forward to reading your comment.

Carpe Diem,


Sunday, December 27, 2015

The Holiday Season - Reflecting and Planning for the Future

I don't know about you, but for me the holiday season is a time of reflection and planning.

Reflecting on the year I have lived, and planning for the year to come.

I hope you don't mind, I want to share some of the questions I ask myself to help me prepare for the year ahead.

If you feel like sharing your answers, I would love to read them in the comments below.

I hope you find value in this. :)

Carpe Diem,


In 2016...

1 - What do I want to accomplish?
2 - Why do I want to accomplish this?
3 - What can hold me back from achieving this goal?
4 - What can I do now to address #3?
5 - How will accomplishing this impact my life?
6 - Is the accomplishing of this in alignment with my higher values?

I challenge you to ask yourself the above questions and dig deep, especially when you get to question #3.  That is the one that derails most people because they will often settle for an answer like "lack of time, or lack of money."  

If it is something you really want to accomplish, I promise you that if you fully commit to doing it, you will be able to find the time, and figure out the money part along the way.


I have a weekly segment I post on the 1 Year 1000 Challenge Facebook page where I answer questions asked by the 1000 Challenge Community members.  Would it be helpful to you if I started posting those answers, along with other videos I do here, in this blog?

Monday, November 30, 2015

Reflecting, Remembering, and Honoring

Today was a day of great forward progress coupled with deep reflection.

It is the reflection I find myself most fascinated by today.

I started to write, but my fingers did not seem able to produce the words I wanted them to, so I opted for a video today.

A V-log (that's the technical term right?)!

As you finish watching the video, please ask yourself:

"How can I live a life that will make the Heavens smile?"  "What can I do today to honor someone who I love?"

Looking forward to reading your comments.

Carpe Diem,


Sunday, October 18, 2015

Making Dreams Come True

We all have dreams.

Tragically, not enough of us make those dreams come true.

The reasons "why" are many: "I don't know how," "it's impossible," "it's to hard," "I don't have enough money," "if only," etc... Do any of these sound familiar?

Over the course of its' four year life, this blog has been about a lot... dreams, goals, life, death, love, and the ongoing journey of living and experiencing life to the best of my ability.

I try to be open and share with you all in hopes that my candor may inspire you in how you choose to live your life.  In no way am I suggesting your life should look exactly like mine, what I am saying is that perhaps you can gain inspiration for your journey as you share in mine.

Recently my journey brought me to a day that I had dreamed of for years.  My first ever Jesse Brisendine live event!

Up to this point I had spoken to numerous audiences and organizations, been a featured presenter at corporate training's, and gifted with the opportunity to educate and inspire students at several High Schools and Universities.  This all was, and continues to be amazing (something I want to keep building on), however I had never hosted my own event.

Something that was uniquely mine in everything from the content, to the music, to the location, and most importantly the jokes (haha) all of it was "Jesse."

This had been a dream because I want to help people, a lot of people, live extraordinary and fulfilling lives.  To be able to help as many as I want to, I need a platform that allows me to interact and work with multiple people at once.  Enter Unlock Your Greatness - a program conceived by the idea to bring people together from all over the world to learn, to grow, to let go, and to move forward.

Last week (I cannot believe it has been a week already) I hosted the first ever Unlock Your Greatness (UYG) live event in Santa Barbara, California.

It was attended by folks from seven different countries and 15 different States.  If I had only one word to describe it, I would say WOW.

WOW... because I was proud of what I created, WOW because of the moments I shared with the participants, WOW because of the breakthroughs people had, WOW because of the feeling I had watching the attendees Unlock a Greatness that had always been inside of them, and was waiting to be let out.

I titled this post "Making Dreams Come True," because dreams can come true, but not because you wish them to, dreams come true because you make them come true.

Any great dream deserves a great amount of work and effort that goes into making that dream a reality. Most dreams will require 100's, maybe even 1000's of hours or more of hard work, commitment, sacrifice, and the proverbial "blood, sweat, and tears," to make them come true.

You know what?  I can happily tell you that it is and will be worth it when you realize your dream.

Unlock Your Greatness was the start of a new beginning for me; the next chapter in my professional career and life purpose.  UYG also was the culmination of 1000's of hours of hard work, study, sacrifice, decision making, life lesson learning, forward step taking, choice making, and life living.  All of it came together for two magical days in Santa Barbara, California. 

Below are some photos from the first event.  I hope to see you at a future Unlock Your Greatness, I am excited to share it with you. :)

Lastly, to all the people who made the journey to attend - thank you.  You all believed in me at the beginning.  I will always be grateful for that.

Carpe Diem,


P.S. What is one dream you have that you are committed to making come true?

Sunday, September 20, 2015

International Sunrise & Sunset Day 2015

When I did the 1 Year 1000 Challenge, hands down my favorite of the over 1000 challenges/experiences I did that year, was an event I called International Sunrise and Sunset Day.

The 1000 Challenge community had grown to several thousand around the world.  I had the idea that it would be really cool if on one day, we all shared the sunrise and sunset together. 

The result was amazing! 100's of people from all over the world participated.  You can see that first video by clicking here.

In late 2013 my best friend was tragically killed. Being that he was a well known public figure, the world talked about him, a lot. 

As his birthday approached in 2014, I wanted to do something that would honor him for the man he was/is and not his job.  I decided to move International Sunrise and Sunset day to his birthday and have it be a celebration day and fundraiser for the his charity Reach Out World Wide.

The day was amazing!  Over $50,000 was raised and more than 3,000 people participated in the event.

This year I recently hosted the event.  Again over 3,000 people participated with 10's of 1000's of dollars being raised for Reach Out World Wide.

As I did in years past, I put a video together to commemorate the day which I have shared below.  I hope that when you watch the video, you take the message to heart and it adds an enormous amount of love and value to your life.

2015 Sunrise Sunset Day video

International Sunrise & Sunset Day is such a special event to me.  Not only does it mean a lot being able to honor my friend, I love the experience of so many people from all over the world coming together to share their sunrise and sunset. 

Even though we live miles a part, we are all neighbors here on Earth.  It was a joy watching the sunrise and sunset with You, neighbor.

Carpe Diem,



Did you participate?  What did you learn from the video?


The Sunrise and Sunset photo albums will be posted to the 1 Year 1000 Challenge page this week.

Sunday, August 23, 2015

Random Thoughts

Hi All,

Some Random Thoughts... which I thought I would share with you all and see what your thoughts are on my thoughts?

What do you think?  You up for it?

1 - Bullying amongst kids would not be so prevalent if adult "role models" didn't use bullying tactics to try and get what they want/solve problems.  Ex: politicians focusing on what other candidates did wrong or won't do vs. what they will do to improve things. Mom and Dad yelling at the news hoping it will change what is happening.

2 - Why are books like the "Scarlet Letter"required reading?  Why aren't courses like a course on how to be happy taught in public school?  Is the Scarlet Letter (can you guess which book I did Not enjoy in High School? :)  ) more important to learn about than Happiness?

3 - Leadership is not always a friendship contest.  To lead means you are willing to say and do the tough things for the greater good, even if it means you may be removed from people's Christmas List.

4 - What would happen if we treated money the same way we treat all other pieces of paper?

5 - Part 1: There are 1,440 minutes and 86,400 seconds in every day... how many of them do you remember?

6 - Part 2: With all that time available for us to remember, why do so many chose the few "bad" seconds or minutes to represent the day?  How might the quality of a person's life change if they instead focused on the other 1,400+ minutes that were not all that bad?

I am looking forward to reading what you all come up with.

Carpe Diem,



Tuesday August 25th I will be teaching a course called 6 Weeks to Ultimate Self Love... you can join in by clicking here.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

My 101 Life Time List

Several years ago I made a list of 101 things I wanted to do/see/experience/accomplish in my lifetime.

Recently I read a blog post by Jack Canfield where he shared his list and talked about the importance of creating a similar list.

The reason, Jack said, is because "the brain is a goal seeking organism."

Meaning that we need to feed our brain goals for it to focus on and seek out ways to accomplish.

After reading Jack's blog I was inspired to revisit my list.  When I did, I was pleased to see I had accomplished about 20 from my original list.

I've now created a new list.  This list includes many from my original list and quite a few new ones as well.

The goals are in no particular order.  I just wrote them as they popped up. :)

I hope the sharing of my list inspires you to make a list of your own.

What are some of your goals? 

Are you committed to realizing them?

Carpe Diem,


  1. Positively Impact the lives of 2 Billion people
  2. Travel to every continent (been to four)
  3. Travel to every State in the USA (30 so far)
  4. Become a Master of my Thoughts and Emotions
  5. Travel to at least 100 Countries  (18 so far) 
  6. Speak at TED
  7. Speak to a live audience of over 20,000 people (largest so far about 600)
  8. Sit Ringside at Wrestlemania
  9. Attend Men's World Cup
  10. Attend Women's World Cup
  11. Centre Court at Wimbledon 
  12. 100,000 success stories from clients and various program participants
  13. Meet with two in office President's of the USA and have conversations with them
  14. Meet 5 head's of State from other Countries.
  15. Walk the Great Wall of China
  16. See the Northern Lights
  17. Scuba Dive with Great White Sharks (in a cage)
  18. Scuba Dive Great Barrier Reef
  19. Scuba Dive the Red Sea
  20. Stay in the houses on the water in Maldives
  21. Host Unlock Your Greatness workshops in 50+ Countries
  22. Help people from all over the world achieve 10 million + pounds of weight lost
  23. Fly in a fighter jet
  24. Create charity/scholarship to honor my Dad
  25. Create charity/scholarship to honor Gabe
  26. Climb the Seven Summits
  27. Dive with Whale Sharks
  28. Do the Rocky run and celebration up the Rocky Steps in Philadelphia
  29. Attend Mr. Olympia
  30. Write a bestseller 
  31. Earn $10,000,000 in a year
  32. Retire my Mom and provide for her so she can do things she enjoys
  33. Compete in one bodybuilding/fitness competition 
  34. Bench press 315lbs for 15 reps (made it to 13 one time)
  35. Mud Run
  36. Grow the Sunrise/Sunset around the World day into an annual event honoring Paul that raises a minimum of $250,000 a year for Reach Out World Wide
  37. Grow International Trash Clean up Day to an annual event with over 50,000 people participating
  38. Grow the One Billion Steps in March to an annual event where over One Billion steps are walked in the month.
  39. Keynote speaker at a High School Graduation
  40. Keynote speaker at a college/University graduation
  41. Run for President (if, when the time comes, I would bring value to my country)
  42. Speaking role in two Hollywood movies (one so far)
  43. At least 3 published books (1 so far "Ouch My Heart is Broken")
  44. Grow the 1 Year 1000 Challenge community to over 1million members.
  45. Photo of a Sunrise and Sunset over all four of the Oceans (Pacific, Atlantic, 
  46. Stay at the Absolute Suite in Cesar's Palace
  47. Stay at the Skyline Suite at MGM Grand
  48. Stay at the Hardwood Suite at The Palms
  49. Give over 100 Million to charity in my Lifetime
  50. Create a foundation that pay's for alternate forms of education for teenagers and adults (ex: personal training certification, yoga certs, etc...)
  51. Visit where King Arthur is from
  52. See all the Seven Wonders of the World (3 so far: Christ Statue, Colosseum, Machu Picchu)
  53. See all Seven Wonders of the Natural World (2 so far: Harbor at Rio and Grand Canyon)
  54. Dance the Tango in a Tux (True Lies style)
  55. Run a Half Marathon in 1hr 40 minutes
  56. Hold a plank for 10 minutes
  57. Safari in Africa
  58. Read/Listen to over 10,000 books/audio cd's
  59. NLP Trainer
  60. Do a language immersion course in the native country
  61. Give a speech on leadership to Congress
  62. Flight to Outer Space and Back
  63. Earn over $300 million in my lifetime
  64. Give over $100 million to charity in my lifetime
  65. Pilots License
  66. Compete on celebrity Jeopardy
  67. Play in the main event at the World Series of Poker
  68. Bowl a 300 game and 700 series (current highs 277 and 688)
  69. Walking Lunges for over two miles without stopping (current best is 1.25 miles)
  70. Workout with Arnold Schwarzenegger
  71. Cut the ribbon at a ribbon cutting ceremony
  72. Learn to Surf
  73. Learn a Martial Art
  74. Read Le Morte De Arthur
  75. Attend a Robin Sharma workshop
  76. Take a Cooking Class
  77. Climb the Pyramids in Egypt
  78. Kiss a special someone on top of the Eiffel Tower
  79. Stay in a European Castle
  80. Ring the Opening Bell on Wallstreet
  81. Go White Water Rafting
  82. Go on an African Safari 
  83. Have a conversation with the Dalai Lama 
  84. Drive a car at a speed of over 130 mph
  85. Drive a Ferrari
  86. Have a replica Round Table as a dinner table
  87. Own a home with a secret passage way that leads to a kick ass game room 
  88. Take a Dance Class and learn some rhythm 
  89. Customized Carpe Diem license plate
  90. Founder/Cofounder of at least two nonprofit charity organizations (one so far ROWW)
  91. Create a system that is teachable to millions on how to help humans live thier bast lives
  92. Forgive anyone that may have cuased me pain be it intentional or unintentional
  93. Love and accept myself fully
  94. Form a core group of friends to travel through life with
  95. Own several vacation homes in beach and mountain locations 
  96. Attend a dinner at the White House
  97. Create multiple scholarship programs for future generations
  98. Donor and advocate for animal rights
  99. Take a photography class
  100.  Master my thoughts and emotions
  101. Have my photos featured in a major exhibit
  102. Interviewed by Oprah
  103. Interviewed by Ellen
  104. Interviewed on one of early morning news programs (Today, Good Morning America)

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Perspective is Everything

Recently one of the members of the Zero Limits Mastermind shared this video and I thought it would be of value to you.

Coca Cola advertisement aside it conveys a powerful message of just how much our perspective shapes our reality.

The video opens with the word prejudice and I encourage you to allow yourself to think of other words like: perspective, judgment, assessment, etc.. when you watch this video.

What we see is not always what is

What we believe is what will determine the reality we live in.

If you do not like your present reality, take a good long look at your beliefs.

Change your beliefs and you will change your reality.

What did you think of the video?

What did you learn?

How are you going to apply what you learned?

Carpe Diem,


Sunday, June 28, 2015

30 Days Sugar and Alcohol Free

Every year I challenge myself to abstain from alcohol and processed sugar, the stuff you find in sweets, candies, cookies, etc for 30 days.

I recently completed this challenge.

One quick update before I get to that:

I'll be hosting a 28 Day Fat Blaster challenge beginning in mid July.  I'll be posting more info about it on July 1st to the 1 Year 1000 Challenge page. I will also be sending out an email to let you know.  Make sure you are subscribed to my newsletter so you don't miss out.  Click here to subscribe

30 Days No Sugar No Alcohol

I am a pretty healthy guy, meaning I usually eat fairly clean (not a lot of sugary or fried foods) and I also enjoy treating myself every now and then to a few beers with friends or a sweet goodie ( cookies, doughnuts, cakes, etc...)

I also know that sugar is one of the most addictive substances out there.  Recent research has shown that sugar, on a chemical level, affects the limbic system in the brain (the part of the brain responsible for emotional control) in similar ways as some of the notoriously more addictive drugs out there like heroin.

When you hear words like heroin and sugar in the same sentence you might think: "C'mon Jesse, you are pulling my leg."

Think about this:

According to the CDC 38,329 people in the USA died from drug overdose in 2013.

Compare that to Sugar

Each year in the USA over 610,000 people, (according to the CDC) die from heart disease - Nearly 20 times more than drug overdose!!!

Leading causes: High Blood Pressure, High LDL Cholesterol, Overweight/Obesity, Poor Diet, Excessive Alcohol use, and physical inactivity

I once read a study that reported 96% of heart disease is preventable with healthy eating and exercise... 96%!!!!  That means that every year over 570,000 people die who would not have died had they taken better care of their health.


And what can be found in very likely 99% of unhealthy diets - SUGAR! 

What does sugar do to the body: Can lead to weight gain, cholesterol increases, high blood pressure, physical inactivity, diabetes, headaches, etc...

It is no longer a mystery that sugar is bad for us and the reason so many people continue to over indulge in it is largely due to its addictive properties.  People just want to "feel a little better."

The first few days without sugar and alcohol were fine

Around day 5-8 I would get random headaches. 

Day 8 - 12 were the cravings... I really just wanted a bite or a sip and I would often here "THE voice" trying to rationalize it in my head:

"Just one bite won't kill you,"  "You have done this before, you know you can do it again... you have nothing to prove."

After day 12 it was pretty smooth sailing and by the time I took my first sip of alcohol I had gone almost a full 6 weeks without booze and, as of this writing, still have not had a sugary treat (although I am in Las Vegas and might treat myself here).

Some of the things that helped me be successful were:

  • cleaning out my kitchen and removing any temptations (here's a video I did on nutrition success)
  • I told everyone I talked to about my goal, this gave me massive accountability 
  • I adjusted my schedule to protect myself during the "vulnerable" times (times where I had most cravings/temptation)
  • I made sure to readjust my focus, daily, on why I was doing this
  • I had a clear goal

Over the 30 days these are some of the benefits I noticed from abstaining from sugar and alcohol:

  • More Energy
  • Thinking much clearer
  • More focused
  • Less distracted
  • Stronger in workouts
  • After Day 12, better overall mode
  • Food tasted better
  • Surplus in monthly budget from not spending money on drinks with friends
    • Note: think about the average markup for alcohol in any bar/restaurant
  • Reduced body fat
  • Muscles looked harder and more vascular 
  • More motivated to pursue other hobbies/activities
  • Improved creativity with cooking
When the time finally came where I was ready to have my first sip of alcohol again... I wasn't really even looking forward to it.  I had it, I enjoyed it, and I did so because I still want to continue to enjoy the occasional beers with friends.  I love the good times and silliness that comes with it.

With that being said, I believe life is all about balance, and one thing I have taken away from this most recent 30 day challenge is balance is something that can be re-calibrated at different times in your life. Going forward, I am excited to establish my new balance, and enjoying the experience along the way.

What about you?  Have you ever done a personal challenge for yourself?  What did you learn while doing it?

Carpe Diem,


Sunday, June 21, 2015

Happy Fathers Day

Whether your Dad is/was the world's greatest Dad or was never in the running for Father of the year, your Dad is still your Dad and what he represents to you and your life going forward is up to you.

My Dad did not do everything right, he made a lot of mistakes, he wasn't good with money, he often thought of himself first, he didn't always want to play basketball or catch with me, and he loved me.

The most profound conversation, and the most open heart to heart one I ever had with my Dad came in 2007 after my girlfriend had broken up with me.

I was so devastated, so sad, so lost, and in so much pain that I was willing to drop all my silly walls I had put up to try and get help from anywhere I could, even my parents.

During one conversation with my Dad, my Dad told me, "Jess, you are the best person I know."

I will always remember that and I often keep it close to my heart when  making decisions in regards to how I want to live my life and what I want to contribute to the lives of others and world at large.

Whether your Dad is/was the world's greatest Dad or he was never in the running for Father of the Year, he likely taught you an important lesson or two about life.

What is one life lesson your Dad taught you?

How do you apply it to your life today?

Carpe Diem,



I recorded this video a couple months ago about my Dad, maybe you can relate with it.

Sunday, June 7, 2015

To Take a Step Forward You May Have tor Comfort Zone

Hi Everyone!

Recently one of the team members in the Zero Limits Mastermind shared a great article on words of wisdom passed on from Business leaders to college graduates at commencement.  (You can read the entire article here)

As I read through, I noticed there seemed to be a common theme that these titans of their respected industries were trying to impart on the next generation: Take risks and pursue your passions.

The concept is not a new one - heck I would guess in a slow week I hear the above phrase no less than 10 times.

Yet for some reason while reading this article, I started thinking of my own journey and where I am at professionally at this moment.

I love helping people - it has been what I have wanted to do since I was a little kid, (aside from being a professional basketball player) and I want to be able to grow my ability to help people.

For that to happen, for me to move forward towards doing more of what I want, I have to be willing to put myself out there in a way I have not done before. Some might call this "taking a risk."

You see the old adage, "nothing changes if nothing changes," is so true. Change is constant in our world yet so often there is so much fear around change.

Earlier this year I took a massive step forward professionally by announcing I would be hosting my first live event called Unlock Your Greatness.  This was a huge step out of my comfort zone as it took me from an area I was totally comfortable in, working one on one with folks, and put me in a new realm of event planning, coordinating, and teaching to audiences of many.

I'll be honest, I was scared.  My biggest fear was "What if no one signs up... what if it is just me in the room and all I could hear is crickets chirping in the background (Do crickets even chirp?)."

I hemed, I hawed, I dilly dallied, I weighed the pros and cons, I tried to make every excuse under the sun of why now is not the right time; and it all almost worked except for I kept coming back to the one thing that was my trump card for all the excuses: my passion.

I kept asking myself if my life will ever be fulfilled at the level I want it to be if I spent my whole life not sharing my gifts on the level I know I am capable of.  The answer kept coming up no; and you know what?  That no was way way wayyyyyy more terrifying than the fear of the crickets that might be chirping.

I kept worrying that to move forward I had to risk giving up my comfort zone.  Then I stopped myself and reminded myself that the real risk was if I stayed put... how much of my passion, my purpose, my joy and happiness in life would I be giving up?  OUCH!

It is true, to move forward you may have to leave your current comfort zone behind.  What I might argue is the whole concept of "risk taking."

I believe the greatest risk in life is risk-less living.  I believe that far more pain awaits us if we never try than even if we do and fall flat on our faces.

We are meant to grow, to change, to evolve, and to move forward.  Ahead lies the fruits of our labor, the joy, the happiness, and the love we seek.

Where we are might be ok, but will it ever be great?

Hmmmm... Something to think about.

What are your thoughts?  I look forward to reading your comments.

Carpe Diem,



My fear about Unlock Your Greatness was quickly put at bay.  To date there are people from 8 countries and 15 different States coming.

There are still spots left and I would love for you to be a part of what will be a very special event.

After all, how often in life can you say, "I was there at the beginning?" :)

Click the ticket below to grab your spot.

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Conversations with John Aspra The Epicurean Cowboy


Today marks the beginning of a new journey that I want to invite you on.

The new journey...

I won't say too much here, at this time, as most is said in the video.

The video is 15 minutes and I really hope you watch the entire thing - it is important.

As you watch, allow yourself to reflect on your life and the life you have ahead. 

I will be greatly appreciative of your feedback and your help in bringing attention to this journey.

My intention is two fold, part 1 is stated in the video, and part 2 is to inspire those who this touches to live with purpose and passion.

Carpe Diem,


Click here to watch the video in Youtube

Sunday, May 24, 2015

Your Attitude Defines Your Reality

Hellllllo there!

I swear that whenever you need to be reminded of an important life lesson, life provides you with just that.

Before I explain, I just have one quick update to share with you.

Registration is open for Unlock Your Greatness!!! :) :) (Insert Happy Dance)

Unlock Your Greatness is my first live event that I will be hosting over two days this October in my hometown of Santa Barbara, California.

You have all seen my pictures from Santa Barbara so you know it is one of the most beautiful places in the world.  In addition to the SB beauty, I will be hosting an experience that I promise will be unlike anything you have ever attended before.  To learn all about Unlock Your Greatness and to register click here.  If you have questions about it, you can email me here.

Looking forward to seeing you in Santa Barbara Friday October 9th and Saturday October 10th.

Ok, life lessons....

April 15th is tax day here in the USA. I, waiting till the last minute to do my taxes off, like a responsible citizen (sarcasm), had just sent off my hard earned money to Uncle Sam and was on my way to the gym to "decompress" from the tax paying process.

As I was walking out the front door, I said aloud, "Phew, thank goodness I do not have to spend money on anything any time soon."

I got in my car, went to turn it on, and it would not start... I tried again, no luck, and the third time... it was not the charm.

I called AAA (emergency roadside service here in the USA).

When the tow truck driver arrived he tested my battery and said it was toast.  I asked him if it would make it till the next day (I was taking my car in to get it serviced) he said if I turned the car off it probably would not start back up.

Needless to say a new battery was needed.

To be perfectly honest, my first thought was something like "Fuck... I just spent all the Fu^king money on my F**king taxes and now I need to get a new fu@king battery."

After the above thoughts ran through my head, I thought to myself, "hmmmm I don't really like how those thoughts are making me feel."

Then I took a deep breath and tried again...

"Damn, I was really looking forward to not spending any money for awhile, and while this is not ideal to be investing in a battery right now, it is an investment and it will allow me to drive, for many days to come, free from fear of breaking down and being stranded.  And isn't that freedom worth this investment, now? Absolutely!"

I liked this second attempt at assessing the situation much much more.  I felt better thinking it and this prospective was much more empowering than my initial F-Bomb tirade that made me feel mad and victimized.

As the AAA serviceman installed my battery we got to chatting.  When he finished his work, he thanked me and told me that I was the most pleasant customer he had had in a long time.  He said that he really appreciated my kindness because usually people are not in the best mood's when he shows up and they often point the finger of blame at him for their car problems.

Hmmmmmm... I thought.  Isn't this interesting???

His thanks made me smile and it reminded me of an important life lesson:

No one decides our thoughts but us.  The decision of what goes on between our two ears is ours and ours alone.

If I would have stuck to my first initial F-Bomb tirade assessment of the situation I would have likely spent the rest of the day and beyond being upset at my poor luck.  I definitely would not have had a grateful tow truck driver thanking me for my kindness.  In fact, I may have had the opposite experience - a tow truck driver who left another job feeling not so great because he had yet another customer who blamed him for their problems

But, since I exercised self control, took a deep breath, and chose my thoughts carefully, choosing ones that would leave me feeling happy and empowered, I was able to:

  • Laugh at the irony of the situation (not wanting to spend more money and immediately being prompted to spend more money).
  • Be reminded of a life lesson that I could share with all of you
  • Walk away from the experience feeling good with no negative emotional energy or thoughts lingering.
  • And I was able to brighten another fellow humans day who showed his gratitude by thanking me which in turned brightened my day.
Always remember my friends, the thoughts you think create the reality you live in.  If you do not like the reality you are presently in, trying changing your thought process.

It may just be one of the best gifts you can give yourself.

Carpe Diem,


Sunday, May 3, 2015

A very Candid Interview with Jesse Brisendine part 2

Hello Everyone!

Last week we did part 1 of a special interview series with my good friend Macie.  (Click here to see part 1)

Macie randomly picked several questions, chosen by you, to ask me.  Today you get to see part 2 of that interview!!

Quick update:

The event website for Unlock Your Greatness will be up by the end of this week!  This is where you will be able to find out everything you need to know about UYG.  When it's going to be, what it will be about, when tickets will go sale, and how you can reserve your seat!  I am SUPER excited about this and even more excited to have the opportunity to meet so many of you in person. :)

Ok, I know you are ready for the interview with Macie and I so here it is.  Also be sure to check out the project she is doing and if you feel compelled to participate I have included a link to her website below.  :)

Be sure to leave a comment below and let me know what you thought of the interview.  I always love reading your feedback.

Enjoy the Interview,

Carpe Diem,


P.S. part 3 will be coming soon :)

Saturday, April 25, 2015

A Very Candid Interview with Jesse Brisendine

Hi All,

You asked for it, here it is... a very candid interview with my good friend Macie Berlin.

If you read any of January's blogs, you will remember Macie as she wrote a very popular guest blog about me.  Click here to check it out.

Before we get to the interview, I wanted to share one quick update.

I should have a website up for the Unlock Your Greatness event by the first week of May.  This site will have a ton of info about the October event: what to expect, how to sign up, etc... I will keep you posted.

Can I just say how excited I am for my first Live Event!  I really appreciate all the love, support, and enthusiasm from all of you.  I am extra excited to welcome many of you to Santa Barbara in October. :)

The Macie Interview.

A few weeks ago I asked you all what questions you would like to see Macie ask me.  She picked three of them, and well, I won't spoil the interview, you are going to want to watch for yourself.

What did you think of the interview?  Would you like to see more interviews like this?  Leave Macie and I a comment below.  We would love your feedback.

Carpe Diem,


Sunday, April 19, 2015

Professional Wrestling & Living Life like a Big Kid

Helllllooooo everyone!

A few weeks ago I had an amazing opportunity to attend WWE's Monday Night Raw at the Staples Center in Los Angeles California. 

I know I know, Professional Wrestling - trust me I have heard it all before:

"It's Fake," "It's not a real sport," blah blah blah

It's fake?!  Has anyone ever watched professional basketball or soccer?  And have you ever seen one of those players "fake" being knocked down or hurt to try and get a ref to make a call on the opposing team?

I'm just saying, it happens.

It's not a real sport?!

Ummmm, hellloooo WWE = World Wrestling ENTERTAINMENT.  It is entertainment plain and simple.  It is a show put on by some amazing athletes kind of like Cirque Soleil.  Key differences being, WWE entertainers tend to be a little bigger and often have speaking roles.

I have always enjoyed wrestling.  As a young kid (age 8) I was a huge Hulk Hogan fan, I considered myself a true Hulkamaniac, and it has always been a dream of mine to see him perform live.

As a big kid (some people call this an "adult") wrestling has always given me the inspiration to access my inner child whenever I watch it.

I have never been particularly close with my Dad and my Brother, and as a kid there were very few times that all three of us did things together to really bond.

As a teenager, one of the things we did do together was watch wrestling. 

Monday nights had become my favorite night of the week because my Dad, Brother, and I were all going to be on the same page as we cheered for our favorite wrestlers and booed the ones we didn't like.

The above is the reason why I am such a fan of wrestling and why I still enjoy it so much today - when I watch it, it gives me that feeling of closeness to my Dad and Brother.

When the opportunity arose to attend Monday Nigh Raw, here was my thought process:

There are two wrestlers I have ALWAYS wanted to see: Sting and Hulk Hogan

I knew Sting was going to be there and I thought there was a good chance the Hulkster would be.

It was the show before the Superbowl of pro wrestling aka Wrestlemania, which meant there was a high chance of an extra amazing show.

Seeing it live would be a ton of fun (I had previously been 2 or 3 times).

It would give me a chance to connect to that feeling of closeness I had with my Dad and Brother.

So I went, and

I had one of the most amazing nights ever.  I will let the pictures tell most of the story, and I will say this.  My face was sore the next two days from smiling so much. 

I was smiling for the fun I had and I was smiling for realizing a dream.

As mentioned before I had always wanted to see Hulk Hogan live... guess what, it happened.

If you have a dream, and you want it bad enough, and you believe in it enough, it can happen as long as you hold the belief that it can happen.

To make it happen you have to be willing to hold onto the belief and take actions to support the belief.

My Hulk Hogan dream was over 20 years old and I still wanted it and believed in it enough just as much as I did when I was a little kid.

Do you have a childhood dream that has come true?  Do you have one that you are still pursuing?

Your dreams are treasures, ones that are worth believing in, and worth doing whatever work is required to make them come true.

Enjoy the pics (some of them are ones I took and the ones you see me in are ones that were sent in from members of the 1 Year 1000 Challenge community who were watching the show on tv).

Carpe Diem,


Brock Lesnar in the ring.  He was the current champion. He is a big big boy!

STING opened the show!  I was just a little excited! :)

This is Ryback.  Prior to seeing him live, I was not totally sold on him.  When he finished his match he took the time to walk around the ring and give every one a high five.  What really impressed me was hearing him say "Thanks Guys" to all of the fans. 
Very special to see an entertainer personally thank the fans he entertains.

Sting opened the show - EPIC.  Sting was the most famous wrestler to never join WWE.  This was a real treat

You have to BOO the bad guys!  Especially when they are doing a USA vs Russia storyline.

Not going to lie... I screamed, yelled, and "woooed" (Wrestling lingo - wrestling fans woo as a tribute to "The Nature Boy Ric Flair") when Hulk Hogan came up.  I did not know if he was going to be there, but I figured there was a good chance he might be there being as this was the show before Wrestlemania.  When the segment started I thought to myself, "If Hogan is going to come up now is going to be the time."  As the segment went on and it became evident they were building for something special, I knew that one of my child hood hero's was about to make his way to the ring.  When Hogan's music hit - my inner child was overjoyed with excitement.

The high pitched "wooing" is me... I was just a tad excited :)

I swore that if I ever got to see the Hulkster live, I would Hulk up with him.  As he was asking the audience to make some noise and flexing the "24 inch pythons," I was doing the same (In between taking photos).  And my pythons are not quite 24 inchers

As awesome as it was to see Sting, Hulk Hogan, and the rest of the WWE perform.  The real highlight of the night for me was this kid.  
In wrestling you have "good guys" (baby face's) and "bad guys, " (heals).  They all play their characters out giving the audience the chance to choose a side and choose a side that aligns with basic morality good vs evil.  

When  a wrestler is in character they are, like an actor, supposed to stay in their character always, while the show is going on .  

So many of the wrestlers, when exiting after their matches, stopped to sign this kids sign.  Many of the ones who were playing "bad guys," if they did not stop to sign it, at the very least made an effort to go over and give the kid of high five. Most of the good guys, as you can see by all the signatures, stopped to sign.

As a fan it was so special to see the WWE Superstars making this extra effort to make a young child's night something and one he will always remember.

Daniel Bryan, one of the current fan favorites.  When he comes out everyone stands up and chats yes to his music!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

A Memorable Night... Meeting up with Members of the Exercise Accountability Group

Hi Everyone!

A couple quick updates:

1 - As you may or may not have heard, I am hosting my first ever live event!!!! I am beyond ecstatic for this next step in my mission to positively impact the lives of 2 Billion people.  Save the Dates: Friday October 9th and Saturday October 10th in Santa Barbara California.  More details will be forthcoming in the next few weeks.  Be sure to check in here, my newsletter, and the 1 Year 1000 Challenge page for all the details as they come in. :)

2 - The Spring 28 Day Flat Belly Challenge begins on Wednesday.  There are still a few spots available if you want in.  This is an awesome opportunity to get rid of that unwanted body fat once and for all.  Click here for more info

The early part of my career in helping people was spent in the gym doing personal training.  I loved seeing people undergo the physical transformations of losing weight, building muscle, and recovering from injuries.  It was an amazing time in my life.

As much as I enjoyed my time as a trainer, I also found a part of me being frustrated.  I wanted to help more people and my reach seemed limited to who was in front of me at the gym.

I knew I had a ton of knowledge and experience to offer people in the realm of fitness. I knew, as I transitioned away from the role as a full time trainer, that there were still people out there who could benefit from my fitness, health, and exercise expertise.

I also knew that one of the biggest obstacles people faced in achieving their goals was ongoing accountability.  I used to see it all the time; highly motivated people, who showed up to the gym, kicked ass at their workouts and nailed their nutrition.  Then as soon as they stopped training with me and they no longer had the accountability, all their hard earned gains would disappear as would their gym attendance.

One day I had the idea to create a group. My intention in creating the group was to create accountability amongst members while providing a fun, safe, supportive, and inspiring environment for people working towards their health and fitness goals.

I called it the Exercise Accountability Group.

Over the years, the Exercise Accountability Group has now grown to nearly 60 members strong from all over the world!

Last month (March 2015) we agreed to do a meet up in New Orleans Louisiana. The meet up was open to all group members.  Several of the members even participated in a race the morning of the meet up.

Heading to the meet up that night I was a little nervous, actually that is a lie, I was really nervous. :)

Many of the people who were going to be there had been clients of mine for a long time, yet I had never met any of them in person.  Thoughts ran through my mind... What would they think of me?  Would I live up to their expectations?  Did I have enough bad jokes to tell to last the night? What if they did not recognize me? What if no one showed??!?!!

My nerves were quickly eased as Exercise Accountability group members began to show up.  First there was one, then two and eventually there were many.  Conversation lasted well into the wee hours (we finally were kicked out of the bar about 1am).

For me it was such a joy to hear everyone's stories about all their adventures they had been having in New Orleans, as well as learning more about some of the members and their life journeys.  It meant a lot to me to be able to be there with them as they celebrated the race they had run earlier that day.

Often, throughout the night, I found myself feeling a tremendous sense of pride in all the people present as they shared more of their story with me.  There were a lot of smiles, laughs, and tears, as I got to learn more and more about the journey's many had been on and what they have overcome in their life.

When I found a spare moment to myself (usually when I went to the bathroom, which I did a lot on account of the Coors Lite's I was drinking), I could not wipe the smile off my face.  Several years ago I had had an idea to create an environment where a group of like minded people could come together, support, encourage, and inspire one another on their individual fitness journey's.

Fast forward to present day, here I was, meeting up with members of that group who had traveled 1000's of miles to gather in NOLA and celebrate all their accomplishments thus far!

The photos below do not illustrate the journeys so many of these amazing people have been on.  I could spend hours talking about and bragging about all of them.  Since the group is an Exercise group I'll leave you with one amazing fact:

The combined weight loss of the people pictured in the group photo is nearly 800lbs!!! Amazing and Inspiring.

With all my heart I want to thank everyone who has been a part of the Exercise Accountability Group thus far (or is a friend or family member supporting one of the members) and helping me to make one of my dreams come true.  An extra big thanks goes to all the members, and their friends, who made the trip to NOLA.

It was an amazing night that I will never forget.  I will always and forever hold the memories of that night in a very special place in my heart.

Enjoy the pics,

Carpe Diem,


P.S. we are always looking for new members to join the Exercise Accountability Group.  Only qualifications needed are to have a desire to make exercise and eating healthy a priority in your life.  Click here to get more info and to sign up.

Monday, March 30, 2015

My Dad was Not the Best Dad, Which Made him The Best Dad for Me.

A few days ago it was, what would have been, my Dad's 65th birthday.  Sadly he is no longer physically present to celebrate it as my Dad died very suddenly on February 1st 2010.

The irony, (if you can have irony in death,) was that just two weeks prior to my Dad's passing, he was told by his doctor that he was officially a cancer survivor.

After an over two year battle with colon cancer, my Dad had beat it and was told by his doctor that he was in full remission and had has entire life ahead to look forward to.

My Dad had won a hard fought battle and for his efforts his rewarded with the promise of time.

Time to do all the things he had always wanted to do.

Time to make his priorities a priority.

Time to say I love you more.

Time to forgive and let go of past pain.

Time to travel and see the world.

Time to laugh with friends and connect with family.

Time to live life with a renewed appreciation after having been so close to death.

My Dad was promised, and given, time.... two weeks of it.

Not what he, I, or anyone else assumed, but that is what happened.

On his birthday I took a few moments to reflect on my Dad and what his death has meant to my life, as well as what his legacy is to me.

I recorded these thoughts so I could share them with You.

When I initially shared the video last week on Facebook I got an email from someone asking me "How can you open up and share the way you do."

It is certainly not easy to do so and there are a lot of emotions that come up during the process of sharing.  I do share because with all my heart, I believe what I have experienced and what I have learned from those experiences is meant to be shared.  I feel it would be wrong of me to keep what I have to offer and the insights I have gained locked away - hidden from others.

It is my deepest hope that you are able to find value in what I share and perhaps my words are able to help some of you who are dealing with a significant loss of your own.

Enjoy the pics (they are all of my Dad and I),

Carpe Diem,


Sunday, March 8, 2015

Self Love... It is Worth It.


Thanks for stopping by!

One quick update:

The One Billion Steps in March event is underway!!  I need everyone who is able and willing to record their steps to please please do so as we have a big goal to hit.  Click here for more info.

I posted the below to Facebook last week and it received a lot of really positive feedback.  Many people shared how it connected with them.  I felt it was a good idea to share it here in hopes that it may reach a few more people who find value in it.  Please let me know what you think:

 I got my Heart Broken for the very first time and was the BEST thing that ever happened to me!

I had been dating a girl for a couple of years.  Our relationship ran through cycles of being good to borderline great to so so to OMG how can this continue on?  We were each others best friends and at the same time each others worst enemies.  At times when we should have taken a deep breath and talked things out, we chose to instead nit pick, poke, fight, and tear each other down.

There were times throughout the relationship where I felt we needed to walk away, but when she would try to end it, I would fall apart and beg for her to take me back, promising that I, and we would change.

Eventually she got strong enough, or frustrated enough, (maybe both), to walk away for good.

I fell apart.

I could not sleep, I could not eat (I lost 20 pounds in less than three weeks), I cried so much my face was constantly swollen. I felt so lost... like I had lost... myself...

As much as I wanted to try and blame my pain on losing her, the real reality was was that I was lost because I didn't know who I was.  The loss of the relationship brought, like a geyser exploding to the surface, my lack of self love.  She had been filling a void that I had never taken the time, or made the effort to fill myself.  She was doing my job that I should have been doing for myself a long time ago.

One day I had an "Eureka" moment.  I knew I was at a crossroads in my life and the decision I made going forward was going to determine what kind of life I would live.

I had two clear choices in front of me:

A - I could continue down the path I was on, not deal with myself, get into another relationship to put a band aide on my pain, ignore my lack of Self Love be good for a little while, never great, and more than likely end up right back where I was a few more years down the road.

or, I could choose

B - To get real, I mean really real and resolve to do whatever the fuck I needed to do to dump my emotional baggage from the past and start filling up the holes inside of me with the self love I had been lacking and longing for.

"A" was an easy choice, I was familiar and comfortable with that one, "B" was scary as hell and I had no idea what to do or even where to begin.

Have you ever been there?  Had two choices in front of you... one of which is so tempting because it is easy and so familiar, but in your gut you already know how it will turn out.  However, your other option is scary as hell, you have no clue on what to do or how to do it, but in your gut you know that is the one you should choose.

I was terrified when I made the decision to go with choice "B."  Despite that fear I promised myself I would dive head long into it no matter what.  I hired a coach, read every book, listened to every guru, attended the seminars, all of it and more - I would not stop until I got to a place where I felt like I actually Loved me.

And you know what?

I got there - after a lot of hard work, commitment and fear facing, I got there, and now...


When my relationship ended, I fell apart, and at the time I thought that was what my life was destined to be, a life of sadness and pain.  What I realize now is that I needed to fall apart so that I could rebuild myself into who I am today.

You see we are all like Legos - when the pieces fall apart it doesn't mean they are broken, it just means there is an opportunity to create something new, something greater.

You will always be missing out on something in life if you never find your love from within.

The greatest tragedy I witness day in and day out professionally, is meeting with folks who lack self love and lack the courage to do anything about changing it.

Their lack of self love causes so much unnecessary pain in their relationships, their professional lives, and their health.

I am so sick and tired of watching good people suffer through life when they do not have to.  Change is available to us all if we are willing to change.

With that being said, because of the overwhelming response to this post, I AM going to do a small training specifically on self love.

I'll be hosting the first ever Self Love Summit and it will begin on Tuesday March 24th.  If you would like to attend, the first step is to fill out the application at this link:

Once I receive your completed application, I will get in touch with you (make sure to include your email).

I hope to welcome many of you to the Self Love Summit. :)




Please leave a comment below and let me know what you think of this blog.  I would love to hear your feedback.  What do you think of when you think of self love?  Is it important?

Sunday, February 22, 2015

My 50 Shades of Grey Experience

Hey there!

I wanted to share with you my experience watching the movie, "50 Shades of Grey," but before I get to that, I have one very important update to share with you.

One week from today is the start of the One Billion Steps in March challenge.  Please please please invite your friends and family to participate in this event.  To sign up, invite your friends, and learn all about the event, click here.

I have been hearing about the cultural phenomena "50 Shades of Grey" for 3 or 4 years now. During that time, several of my female friends have tried to get me to read the book.  Two and a half years ago I decided I would.  I was curious about what all the hype was about and what seemed to have so many women all excited.  I made it through half of the book... I just couldn't seem to get into it.

Recently I was invited to watch the "50 Shades of Grey" movie.  Again, my curiosity was perked as I had heard so many mixed things about it.  Some were calling it erotic and liberating, others called it a set back for women claiming it glorified abuse and violence towards women.

I watched the movie and thought as a movie it was nothing more than Ok.  I found it to be mildly entertaining and the chemistry between the two leads seemed forced at best.

I did not agree with the assertion that it glorified violence for women nor did I feel it was a setback, in fact I thought exactly the opposite.  I found it refreshing to see a movie where it was ok for a woman to be open with exploring her sexuality.  I also found it fascinating that both the movie and the books seemingly connected with so many women in this respect.

I consider myself to be a student of humanity, meaning I am always wanting to better learn and better understand people.  I believe that the better I understand people the more effective it will make me at helping them. :)

Culturally it seems like it has always been ok for men to be strong, confident, and sexually open.  Women, in popular culture, have not always had the same portrayal, with a few exceptions (Sharon Stone in "Basic Instinct" is one that comes to mind.)

I have been continually disappointed that we as a society seem to hold onto prevailing stereotypes between men and women when it comes to sexuality.  It's ok in movies, in books, and in life for men to be sexually open and curious, but if women are they get the label of "slut" or some other nonsense.

While I did not think 50 Shades of Grey was the best movie, what I do think it did, and I am grateful it did this, was to present a strong female who showed it was ok for women to be sexual. Not only was it ok, it was fun, it was exciting, and it was ok for it to be those things.

Have you seen the movie, what do you think?  Let me know, I am excited to hear your thoughts?

Carpe Diem,
